Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Trek Through The Stinky Tunnel is Too Long

This was a very interesting podcast about how humans don't hear warnings when they are told them. I think that people just need to listen more; for example, when Andrew convinced George W. Bush, Bush listened. I feel like people have to change their perspective so they can see things in a different way. They have to learn to listen and pay attention to who and what is being said. See, if people just have a different look it would be a less threatening world, and that's what we all want, right?


  1. Seth I like how you view this. I like how you believe that the people hearing the warnings have to change instead of the people that are telling the warning. I think this makes sense and I never thought about it that way. I like the question at the end and it is a good conclusion.I agree with you on people listening have to try and believe the people talking. Nice job on your blog post.

  2. Seth, I agree with you on the fact that you think that people just need to listen more. I especially agree with you on the “perspective change.” People sometimes think that they’re always right, and they never think about how others think. Now, why do you think that the people Cassandra was talking to didn’t think in her perspective or didn’t listen?
