Thursday, November 15, 2018

Listening to the warning...

              Cassandra could tell the future, so why do people not listen to her? I mean I know I probably won't listen to her to but heed her warnings. Isn't being Cassandra great, everyone thinking you are crazy and having no evidence to prove your fortune telling. One of the things I learned is to listen to warnings. I mean lets see how did the NASA rocket go, or even the horse that was a "present." If people would have listened then this might not have happened in the first place. I mean what would you have done if you were Cassandra or even a person listening to her?


  1. I really like your post I think it's very detailed.

  2. Nice paragraph! I like how you related other things to the Cassandra Effect like the NASA Rocket and the horse. I agree that listening to the warnings could have been better for everyone. Cassandra might have been crazy but she was telling the truth. Overall I think this was a really good and detailed paragraph!
