Friday, November 16, 2018

Cassandra Curse

 When the scientists,(I forgot their names) were warning people about the permafrost melting nobody believed them. They tried to warn people who didn’t listen like when Cassandra, a person who could see into the future, but nobody would believe what she had to say. When the Greeks used the Trojan Horse Trick to get through the city of Troy,Cassandra knew as soon as they received the huge wooden horse it was bad. Nobody believed her and they decided to bring it inside the walls protecting the city. They brought the big wooden horse in, and the Greek men jumped out and attacked. Cassandra knew, but nobody would believe her because she did not have enough evidence or proof of anything. The scientists who are warning us about global warming are screaming at us! Most people probably don’t believe them because they probably don’t have enough evidence. This teaches a valuable lesson, it teaches that if you need to get an important point across you need evidence and proof.

Casandra help wanted

There were many deaths in the is time. A proper Casandra sounds very loud because they give speeches to groups and want to be heard . Villages were being burned day to day, rumor says they burned thirty hundreds of villages destroyed killed 2 million people. George W Bush was a christian. Andrew was a very successful person this president was very interested in this place Andrew is a very reliable person to Bush.  There is also a permafrost that affect the roads. If we don't attack this our only home will be destroyed if we keep treating the environment like this so please stop doing what we are doing. 

Are you in disagreement?

Many people disagree about things. If I had to try to convince someone to listen to me I would give them reasons of why I feel the way I do. I wouldn’t argue with them because that might make them feel defensive and make them feel even stronger about there side even more. When trying to make someone understand where you are coming from you have to talk to them not yell at them when they aren’t understanding. I would also find evidence. If you find evidence they are more likely to believe you then if were to just say what you believe and just leave it at that. How would you try to make someone understand where you are coming from?


If I were trying to tell someone they were wrong, but I still wanted them to believe me after, I would try to tell them that they had a good point. For example, I would tell them most people think that, but it is not right. Only a few people know the truth. I think it would be dumb to just let the person go on thinking that. That is the end. Was it good?

Thursday, November 15, 2018

We Need Some Febreze!

We Need Some Febreze!
     I don't know if my thoughts would change about the Alaskan tunnel if I was able to visit it. The people on the podcast were really throwing me for a loop when they started to talk about the smell. Will air freshener change the smell? Probably for only like two seconds. I don't know about you but, I am not eager to smell a bunch of rotting organic material. At the same time, it could be interesting to see basically pure history! Yes, your nose hairs will probably burn off but it would be cool to learn even more about why this happens. You could think of it as a historic ice sculpture. Now all you need to do is buy yourself a plane ticket to Alaska (or drive I guess) and don't forget to bring your air freshener!

What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

      While listening to podcast about the Cassandra Curse, I started thinking about how people listen to other people's opinions. Cassandra was predicting the future, but the type of language she spoke in (and many other reasons) made people not believe her. People would be confused on what she was talking about and people wouldn't take her seriously. I learned that you should listen to other people's opinions and think about them instead of being so self-centered.

Impact of ignoring warning.

      Monday and Tuesday, we were listening to Hidden Brain Podcast. It was about Cassandra's curse, and curse of Cassandra that applied to the present life. Cassandra could see the future, but nobody believed her. In the Greek myth, Troy and Greece had war. The war took so long. So Greeks made Trojan Horse. Cassandra warned to do not open the gate, but they ignored. They opened the gate, and  Greeks warriors destroyed the village. When Cassandra went to the Greece for the slave, she warned to Agamemnon about the wife's affair. But Agamemnon ignored it, and he got killed by his wife during the bath. Cassandra's curse applied in real world. There is a giant tunnel in Alaska. It is made of permafrost. When the permafrost melts, it emits extraordinary amount of CO2. Global Warming is getting worse now. The Global Warming melts the permafrost. And the extraordinary amount of CO2 that stored in the permafrost makes Global Warming even worse. Everyone say let's reduce the environmental pollution. But people don't care that much. It makes the Global Warming worse and worse. For the another example, in 1983 the Challenger starcraft exploded in the air because of the malfunction. It happened because NASA ignored the warning. And also Andrew Natsios who leaded the USAID, warned about the terror in Sudan. His warnings and advice had an impact, and U.S. supplied billions of dollars in aid to Sudan over the several years. So, listening to the warning carefully is very important. Since now, you need to listen carefully when somebody warning to you!