Friday, October 5, 2018
50 Buck Wish
If I won 50 dollars I would spend it. I would probably buy food, maybe new shinguards. I might give some of it to charity. I would give some of it to my brother so he could buy more beyblades. I might also buy my dogs some dog treats because my parents won’t. At last, I would buy them some toothpaste and toothbrushes because their breath smells really bad. In conclusion, that is what I would do if I won fifty dollars.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
what i would buy with 50 bucks
I would buy V-Bucks to get skins in fortnite.i would most likely bye food.and stuff from 5-below.
I would buy shoes from foot locker.I would buy a bmx bike with pegs.
I would buy a an xbox gift card so i can get more skins.
I would buy a an xbox gift card so i can get more skins.
If I got $50.00 I would save money cause I have hopes of living in west hollywood in the future and going to college and both of those are super expensive.So if I start saving now I can make a goal for the future.I would also like to go to M.I.T or a really good art college.I also have goals for getting a dog in life so if I save now hopefully if I keep saving I will have enough in the future.If I were to use it I would donate it to a charity cause some people need it it a lot more than me.
In conclusion I would save my money or give it to charity.
fun money
There is no doubt that I would spend it all on BT21 plushies. BTS is a kpop band I am obsessed with. They partnered with a company named ‘Line’ and made plushies. The reason why is that they are expensive but freakishly ADORABLE. I wouldn’t spend it on anything else. I would save the rest in my wallet. That’s what I would do if I won $50.
If I could do anything with fifty dollars I would use it to save up for a gaming pc. I would do this because I am young and don’t have anything to save up for and I don't really want anything else. Plus gaming pc’s can last for a super long time and have a ton of useful abilities that are worth paying for. Therefore buying a pc would be a good choice for me because it fits all my wants in one. Compared to spending the money on something I don’t want or saving it for no reason this seems like a good idea to me. In conclusion I would spend the money on a gaming pc because it suits all the things I want in one computer. What would you do with 50 dollars?
What I would do if I had $50
If I won $50 in a school raffle I would probably start off by telling myself to save about $30 and spend about $20. I would take the $30 and save it for college or something similar. With the $20 I would either spend it in Harry Potter stuff or donate it to my church.
When i won a raffle i would take the money from that and get my parents a gift for taking care of me for so long. Then i would save 20ish$ to get something better in the future . Next with the remaining 10ish$ i will give it to people who need it the most because the people don’t get phones or anything else do to barely having anything.if you were given the choice to have a great house or help poor people get food and water? what would you choose.
If I got $50, I would spend half and keep half for later. In my opinion, this is a good idea. I would be able to spend $25 for my own stuff, for example, games and steam keys. While I save $25 for future uses, I would spend that later and for something else. This is a good idea because I think it’s not good to spend a large portion for something small and to space it out or buy something else. In conclusion, this is why I would do with $50.
Really Fun Money !!
If I were to win $50, I would combine it with my other money I have and save it all. In fact, since I have a decent amount of money, I would go online to look at clothes and shoes and plan out what i’m going to buy with my money. I would be looking mostly at Nike clothes/shoes and probably jeans. In my opinion I think saving your money rather than spending it all at once is better. If you saved money more often than you’d be able to buy more things (quantity wise or of price). But sometimes I do wonder, what would I do if I won 5 million dollars?
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
What I would do $50
If I got 50 dollars I would save it up and make more money out of that money by gambling or making businesses out of that money. Or I would save it up to buy a phone and racquets for tennis. Also I would donate it to charity. Or give it to my dad. Another thing that I would do is buy my own computer and mouse with that money. Also a pet with that money if I save up.
First, if I got $50 in a school raffle I would spend it all on video games or a new 4g plan
for my iPhone. After I would use the rest of the money to save up for my new gaming pc.
Or I could spend it all on shoes. The shoes I would get would probably be Nike's or Adidas.
Later for the computer, I would get a pc by Cyberpower or Alienware. Finally, I would
enjoy playing on the computer.
What would I do with $50 dollars
If I won 50 dollar bills in a raffle I would use it to buy albums. In my opinion, I think it would be the best for me because I listen to albums all the time. I have been collecting them since I was a small child. Also, I have at least ten albums I want currently. This all might sound rude and inconsiderate, but I donate a large part of the money to charities whenever I can. So all together I think buying albums with the money would be my choice.
What I would do with $50
I would save all the money, and I can’t think of anything that I would want to spend it on. But I think I would spend the money on clothes.
What I would do if I won $50 (qwertyuiop)
If I won $50,first I would donate all the money to Animal Rescues. If I had won more money I would have also donated to charities and help fight cancer. Since I only have $50 I will donate it to animal rescues. I watch animal rescues on Youtube all the time and it makes me so sad to see them in that position. After they are rescued my heart explodes with happiness. (Wow, that sounded so bad, heh) Anyway, my money would go to buying the animals food so they are able to eat, buy soap because they probably smell. Heh. I would also donate to help the animals get adopted and have a new home. 😃

If I got $50
If I won $50 than I would probably save it. I would save it because then later I can spend even more than I had before only winning the $50. Like if I won another $50 then after. I would have $100. So after I could get something worth $100. So something bigger. I could even get more of the thing I was going to get for $50.
what I would do with $50
I would spend some of the $50 on art supplies such as polymer clay and acrylic paint from different art stores. I would spend about $10 (or less) on the art supplies.The other $40 I would save and wait for a ComicCon to start near me (probably a Lansing ComicCon).before I do to ComicCon, I would use about $15 for my cosplay (unless it has already been done). After I got my cosplay around, I would go to the ComicCon and use the remaining money to spend at the ComicCon. After the ComicCon, if I still have leftover money, I would save it for when I really need it.
What would I do with $50?
If i got $50, I would spend it on Dog toys and dog treats. I love dogs, and animals in general, and I love to see dogs happy. An example, for one of my birthday presents, I did a donation to the humane society, and we spent 250 dollars on dog toys, dog and cat food, cat toys, and dog treats. If I got $50, I would most likely be able to buy four toys for the animals. After buying materials, I could pet the sweet cats and dogs. I may as well also donate some extra money to the animal shelter, for taking the animals in, and giving them love they most likely never got. Also coming to the conclusion I am the worst money saver...
What I would do with $50
If I got $50 I would spend $5 on candy and save $45. The reason would be because if later I need something important I could already have $45 prepared. If I don't spend it by then I would get Mamma Mia 2 when it comes out on DVD. I would have $20 dollars left to spend. At that point I would be $10 in my banking account. At last $10 dollars I would save it for upcoming events like birthdays and holidays.
What I would do with this freely given golden $50.
In this particular case, I would give about half of my money to charity, and save the other $25. Even if there isn’t a specific thing I would want to save my money for, I would still save it for emergencies. I usually do this because there isn’t a specific thing I really need, most are the little things I just want. Not only that, if I spent my money on mostly things I want, I feel extremely bad for some people in the world who don’t even have enough money to buy essential needs. This leads to the fact that I donate part of my money to charity. That way, people who really need money can use it more much more wisely than me buying expensive clothes at the mall that I probably won’t even wear much. Now, this doesn’t mean that I would never spend my money and always save it. For example, when I strongly want something, I would buy this “something” under the fact that it isn’t wildly and unreasonably expensive, I haven’t bought what I want in a pretty long period of time, and there is still a sensible reason I want this. There is one other time I would go ahead and use my money. This is when there is an obvious need for something. Lastly, I have one simple question. Do you agree or disagree with how you should spend this fifty dollars? Why?
If I had 50 dollars
If I got 50 dollars in a school raffle, then I would save it, because I could easily earn more money by finding a job to earn more money. But, on saving the money, I would save it all for college, so when I grow up, I could have a promising future. At the same time, I would be saving more money so as to looking forward to the future, like buying all the necessary needs for a good, pleasant life (if life is ever pleasant). Another thing I would save those 50 dollars is for a school bus trip, or another who-knows-what thing coming up in my life that will require spending money. The final option, which is probably the best, is don’t spend the money at all, save until I have more money, and then spend some other amount of dollars. It’s always better not to spend a lot of money. To spend 50 dollars won from a school raffle would be wasting an opportunity.
If I Had Fifty Dollars (which I don't)
If I fifty dollars I would spend all of it (you can't stop me). Firstly I would go to Walmart and buy a myriad of snacks, and then some Halloween decorations, probably spending around twenty-ish dollars. Subsequently I would most likely spend the rest of my money buying things on Redbubble (Google it). In which doing so I would get some kind of wooden carvings. Also another thing I'd purchase on there would be some cool flags. For the above all reasons is because my room is super boring and I want it to be more interesting, also you gotta treat yo self.
If I had fifty dollars then I would probably save half for collage. I just think it would be smarter to save up for something rather than just blowing it all on one thing. Also the other 25 would probably go to getting a new game on my xbox. I just want a game so I can play with my friends. It just makes more sense to me. I really think that There are many other things I could do but this is what I would do.
What I Would Do With 50$
With $50 I would probably save the money. I would put the money in my college savings. That sounds pretty lame but I guess I'll appreciate it later. Or I would just keep the money in my room and wait till I want something. If I were to spend it I’d spend it on food (most likely candy) or something else I want. There is no doubt that I’ll probably be spending it on mints or gum. In addition to the gum and mints I’d also buy Jolly Ranchers.
50 bucks
If I had a whole 50 dollars I would save it to myself because, you know there is more life ahead of me so I need to save. I could also use that money to buy chocolate from gilbirtes chocolate in the mall. On the other hand with that fifty dollars I could also use it for college and put it in my bank account. I mean 50 dollars can buy you o much. I can buy you food, clothes, candy, and maybe a new friend(maybe). I would actually us 25 for other things and save the other 25 for me.
Phun Money
If I ever happened to be given 50 dollars, I would open an account to store my money online. I would do this, because after a while, the money would start to double when I start my job after college. This money could also start to double if I link the account to my parents credit card, so they can gain money. Also, they could gain money and give some of the money. Afterwards, I would use the money to start my own business. At last, I could gain my own money. Can you think of what to do with 50 dollars?
my (50) dollars
If i were to receive $50 for no reason then I would save some of the money, probably around 35 dollars. Then I would take the rest of the money and go to the mall and buy some things. For example, I would buy a squishy, art supplies, like pencils and moldable erasers, or i would get stuff to make slime. I would most likely spend it at michaels crafts. The rest of the money I would take and put in a safe location for later when I need it. Like in college if I need food or things for my dorm i would have money. That is what I would do with 50 dollars.
Punny Money
If I won $50 I would spend $25 to buy something for my sister. And for myself I would spend $15 on magic cards. I would buy magic cards because I’m very interested in the game. For the last $10 I would probably save it to buy a drawing tablet because one of my friends and I have a channel where we animate and we have 22 subs and I want to make the channel better. In conclusion I spend half and save half for my sister. Although other people might do different things this is what I would do.
My 50$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
If I won 50 dollars in a raffle, the first thing I would probably go shopping and spend at least 75% of it. I seriously don’t understand why people save money. I think the best thing to do is to spend your money. Saving your money makes you a bigger crime target, because your rich and people want to steal money from you. Again, spending money also makes you happier. It gives you new things and helps with your mental health.
The other 25% would probably go to charity because it’s a nice thing to do. Also because the poor kids in Africa need the money more than I do. That’s what I would do if I won 50 dollars, what about you???
Fun Money Writing
If I won $50 in the school raffle, I’ll save them all. Because I will get an interest. In my opinion, save the money in bank and get an interest is most wise choice. After I get interest, I will buy the new bat and cubes . I’ll buy the bat because the baseball club will start soon. And I’ll buy cubes because I’m interested in cube now. Now I’m learning the Friedrich's formula, and I will try 4*4 cube. And then, I will save the remaining money in the wallet.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Blogging 101
If I were to receive 50 dollars I would probably save all of the money. I would save it so that I could buy something later. I would be saving up for dance shoes. Dance shoes are very expensive and hard to get. Also, I’ve been needing new ones, but my parents don’t have enough money right now. In addition, I would try to save up for a new phone case. I mean why not? What would you do with 50 dollars?
What I would do with $50..........
What would you choose to do with $50?
If I won the school raffle and got $50 I would spend it on many different items. I would probably get my own Hunger Games book. In my opinion, the Hunger Games is a really good book and I think it would be worth my money. I would also get some candy with only a small amount of money. With my remaining money, I would some things for my room. For example, I would get some new decorations like mini lantern lights or a mini painting. In conclusion, I would use my money on some useful things and some things just for fun!
If I had $50,I would save all of it in my piggy bank. I use the money in my bank to buy presents for people. I might get my cousin a Barbie doll for her birthday. I’ll still have money left to shop other gifts when I need them. I know I’ll want to shop for Christmas gifts in other month. I hope I find good sales so I can buy a lot of gifts.
If I had 50 dollars I would spend some and also save some. Like why not you send 25 dollars and save 25. I could buy a basketball or some V Bucks. After that I would save the 25 dollars I would try and win another raffle and then save all the money to buy myself a gaming PC. I would work my way up the mountain.
If I got 50 dollars I would put it in the bank and keep saving it up. I might buy something with part of it. I could also save it for emergency money. As I have noted you can see I would at least put some of it in the bank. Or maybe use it for emergencies. Accordingly atlas because I could also spend it on my family. I challenge you to spend all of the money one one thing and tell what it would be in the comments.
Will I spend or will I save my $50??
If I won $50 in the school raffle and I could either spend it, save it, or some combination of the two then I would save it all. I would save it all so I could use it for future reasons. For instance I would use it for college or for emergencies, for instance tornado or flooding. Unless the money was for an emergency, disaster, or college than I would not even use a penny of it. Besides I have been saving for college so the $50 dollars would just go into the college savings. What would you do if you won $50 dollars in the school raffle?
50 dollars of fun or 50 dollars of future?
If I won $50 in a school raffle, I would save half of it and spend half of it. I believe
that saving is important in case something happens in the future and I lose the money in
a fire or something, there will always be a little bit of money in my bank account. For
instance, I go to a football game with my money, but it falls out of my pocket, and all
of my money was in my wallet which fell out. Would you want that? I think that’s really bad because I wouldn’t have any money left, which is why I would keep some in a bank account. Equally important, giving to charity is how I would spend the other $25. In my opinion, this is equally important because there are some people who can’t even buy food, or have to live in a center for homeless people. I would also count animal charities as important too, because animals need shelter, food, and entertainment as well. Rather than buying something for myself, I could buy something for animals or humans in NEED instead of in WANT.
that saving is important in case something happens in the future and I lose the money in
a fire or something, there will always be a little bit of money in my bank account. For
instance, I go to a football game with my money, but it falls out of my pocket, and all
of my money was in my wallet which fell out. Would you want that? I think that’s really bad because I wouldn’t have any money left, which is why I would keep some in a bank account. Equally important, giving to charity is how I would spend the other $25. In my opinion, this is equally important because there are some people who can’t even buy food, or have to live in a center for homeless people. I would also count animal charities as important too, because animals need shelter, food, and entertainment as well. Rather than buying something for myself, I could buy something for animals or humans in NEED instead of in WANT.
In any case, I would save half and give half for the best of everyone. What do you first think of when you get $50, fun or future?
If I had $50
If I got $50 from a school raffle I would first take the money home. I would not spend it immediately. First, I would put it in my wallet. I would think on what to spend the money on. It would probably take me a couple days to figure out what I’m going to purchase. There is no doubt that I would spend about $15 on v-bucks in Fortnite Battle Royale. I would ask my mom if could use her credit card to buy the v-bucks and I would pay her the $15 back. I want v-buck so I can buy skins in the game Fortnite. Because of me using 15 of my 50 dollars I would only have $35 left. I would save that remaining money and buy a new outdoor basketball because my old outdoor basketball is not in great condition. After that I would probably have $5 left. I would spend that money immediately on some candy or gum. So I would probably spend all of that money in 3 to 5 days. That is how I would spend $50. How would you spend $50?
if I won $50 in a school raffle...
If I won $50 in a school raffle, then I would spend the money. But I would save a little. I would save about $20 for gifts on holidays. Also I would spend about $10 on snacks for a while. The rest would be used for vbucks. And that is what I would do with $50.
I would save the money later on to get a new game for my playstation 4. Another thing i can do in the future with the money that i won in the raffle would probably use it for a new basketball bag. I don't really have an idea of what i would do with the money because nothing is really out and i have no clue what is coming out next.
My 1st money blog
In my opinion, if I won fifty dollars from a raffle, I would probably spend it and save some. First, I would spend twenty dollars on fortnite v-bucks because I could get new emotes and skins. I don't have many emotes and I have some skins but not many. For example, the battles pass. Second, I would spend twenty dollars on Jake Paul slides because I need new ones. Finally, third, I would save ten dollars on season 7 battles pass. That's what I would do. What would you do with fifty dollars?
Phun Money Writing
If I won $50 in a school raffle I would save up for a really good camera. If I had extra then I would get more drawing supplies. Subsequently, if I still had extra, I would just donate to The Homeless Angels. Let me explain why I would donate to The Homeless Angels. My family and I have helped out for them many times. Also my mom has relatives that work for The Homeless Angels. I would save any leftover money after that so I can buy bigger stuff with more money. I could give it to my parents so they can put the money in the safe, so I can use it and the other money that is in the safe when I am 16 to buy a car or something like that. In conclusion, I would use the money to buy a camera, donate to the Homeless Angels, and have my parents help me save what is left over.
50 dollars!!!
If I’ve happen to stumble upon 50 dollars, I would give 10 dollars to people in need and save the rest. I’m giving it to people in need because they need this money more than me. After that, I’m saving up my money for college. I’m saving my money for college because I don’t want my parents to overspend for my college. Finally, I’ll be making lots of people happy. My parents, people in need, and me.
Spending $50 101
From my point of view, if I had a windfall of $50 then I would donate $10 to charity. I would keep the rest in the bank for awhile so then it grows with interest rate. I would donate part of the $10 to a Animal Shelter and part of it to a foundation for homeless people. With the remaining $40 I would take out only the money I need at a time. I would spend the remaining $40 mostly on stuff that I don’t really need but I want. I would also spend the money on snacks for school and after school. Finally, I would loan some of it to other people because in my opinion, it’s good to help people. Also the good thing about that is that they need to pay you back. Also, I would keep the remaining money in the back so that I get more money over time so I can do more stuff.
Phun Money Writing
There is no doubt that I would save only part of the money. I am not a big saver, but I like knowing that I have money. Like most other people, I like to spend money as well. I would probably wait to spend it ‘till I go to the mall with my friends. I probably would spend it at rue 21, aeropostale, bath and body works, or sephora. As I have noted, I would only save 10 dollars and spend the rest.

How to spend $50
How to spend $50
If I was ever fortunate enough to win a school raffle for $50. My first urge would be to spend it all but that never happens to me (I never get to). So I would just put $20 in my piggy bank that will probably end up getting used by my parents. Eventually, when they return the money, I would just leave it in my piggy bank for my safe keeping (I never really spend it). On the other hand, with the $30 I would most likely just give directly to my parents so they keep track of it and use it as they please. Sometime that $30 may be used on me anyway so I would have no regrets there. That’s pretty much all I would do with my $50.
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